Studio Kamkam is a creative studio in Seoul that originated from a verse in the poem "Various Shades of Darkness" in 2010. Starting from alternative design that explores the contemporaneity of material and visual culture, Studio Kamkam has been creating diverse collections that capture the essence of modernity while embodying strong motifs and respect for tradition. By dynamically combining the spirit of craftsmanship found in traditional handmade crafts with contemporary industrial production processes, they strive to create clear and ethical designs that embody intrinsic beauty. Through various design projects, Studio Kamkam aims to create new relationships and points of connection between materials and humans.
Operated by Kim Jaekyoung, Studio Kamkam collaborated with Seo Hyunjin from 2010 to 2015.

스튜디오 캄캄은 2010년, 형형색색의 어둠* 이라는 시의 구절에서 비롯된 서울의 창작 스튜디오입니다. 스튜디오 캄캄은 물질-시각문화의 동시대성을 탐구하는 대안적 디자인에서부터 출발하여 다차원적인 변화를 거쳐나가며 사물과 인간의 관계에 대하여 전통에 대한 강한 모티브와 존중이 있으면서도 명백하게 현대성을 시각적으로 포착하는 다양한 컬렉션을 만들어나가고 있습니다. 전통적인 수공예에 담긴 장인 정신과 현대 산업 생산 프로세스를 유동적으로 결합하여 본질적 아름다움을 내재하는, 명료하고 윤리적인 디자인을 통해 물질과 인간의 새로운 관계와 지점을 만들어 나가는 다양한 디자인 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다.

* 일곱개의 단어로 된 사전 / 진은영

Selected Group Exhibitions

Duo Exhibition With Hakyeong Kim & Kim Jaekyoung, Space Kyeol, Seoul, Korea

Homecoming , Arumjigi foundation, Seoul, Korea

Uri Korea, Ruhe in Beschleunigung, Hamburg, Germany

Constancy and Change in Korean Craft, Milan Trienale, Italy

BIG, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

Korea NOW, Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
A loner’s guide, Common center, Seoul, Korea
Shadow object, COS gallery, Seoul, Korea

Material Matters, Gana Art center, Seoul, Korea
Wool Modern, Ara Art center, Seoul, Korea

Material Matters, Seoul, Korea
Wool Modern, Seoul, Korea
Salone Satellite, Milan, Italy


100% London, London, UK
Tent London, London, UK
Munich Creative Business Week, Munich, Germany
Tokyo Korea Japan Cultural Festival, Tokyo, Japan

A to Z, Seoul, Korea

Busan Art Show, Busan, Korea
DESIGN KOREA, Daegu, Korea


VOSKEL gallery, Paris, France

Maison Object, Paris, France

PLATEAU gallery, Seoul, Korea
Taipei World Design Expo, Taipei, Taiwan
Boutique Monaco Museum, Seoul, Korea

Seoul Design Festival, Seoul, Korea
Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
Red dot design museum, Singapore

2012 Next Design Leader, Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea
2008 Red Dot Design Award

BA, Woodworking &furniture design Hongik University, Seoul

Design for children, Phaidon, UK

2021-2023 Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation Design counsulting

Public Collections

National Folk Museum of Korea
Arumjigi Foundation